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Brand Ambassadors: 9 Tools of the Trade

Being a brand ambassador is one of the most fun and interesting jobs around. Like any job, brand ambassador work comes with its own set of challenges and demands.  Whether you are getting started in the field or a seasoned professional there are several must-have items that all brand ambassadors should invest in.  Here, we will take a look at 9 tools of the trade that will make your work life a lot easier and more efficient.

9 Must-Have Tools

1. A QUALITY Smartphone and a GOOD Service Provider

As common sense as this seems having a GOOD smartphone is the most important tool in the box. There are several reasons you need to have a good phone on a good network.  One, most agencies require on-site check-ins via text message or a phone call, some even use mobile apps to manage their events.  You’ll need a phone and a network that will allow you to easily communicate with your agency.  Two, in most cases the staffing agency relies on the brand ambassadors or the event manager to take and submit event photos to them.  These photos are often passed on to the client, posted on social media, and used for other marketing purposes.  Poor-quality images just don’t cut it.   You don’t have to spend a fortune on your phone, just do your research to ensure the phone has the functionality you need to do your job well.

2.  Portable Phone Charger

Many times as a brand ambassador, you will find yourself working at large events like concerts, sporting events, or festivals.  It’s a proven fact that large events like this suck the life out of your phone due to so many people fighting for a signal.  With that in mind and knowing that you have to use your phone for the tasks mentioned above, having a charged phone is critical for your success as a brand ambassador.  You won’t always be able to find outlets or be able to stick near an outlet so a portable phone charger is a must.

3.  Comfortable Shoes

Investing in a quality and comfortable pair of shoes in a neutral color is clutch.  One of the most common complaints I hear from staff during experiential activations is “my feet hurt!”  Event work is physically challenging due to the fact that you are always on your feet.  The saying “you get what you pay for” rings true when it comes to shoes. Unfortunately, saving a buck on a cheaper pair of shoes will haunt you on your event day, so splurge a little when it comes to your work shoes.  Additionally, pick up a few shoe inserts for extra comfort on those extra long shifts, you’ll be amazed at how much better your feet feel.

4.  Wardrobe Staples

Although promotional job uniform guidelines vary there are a few staples that you need to own:

Pants:  Dark denim jeans with no tears or holes, khaki pants, and black dress pants.

Shorts:  Khaki shorts that are an appropriate length.  Five-inch inseams are usually a safe bet for women and just above or at the knee for men.

Tops: Long-sleeve, button-down dress shirts (one black and one white), and long-sleeve t-shirts (black and white) for layering.

Socks:  Solid black and white socks for each season (dry-fit for summer, wool for winter).  Additionally, some events like trade shows or corporate events may call for black dress socks, pantyhose, or tights.

Shoes: One pair of comfortable black or white tennis shoes, and one pair of black close-toed dress shoes.

5.  Weather Protective Gear

Promotional events happen rain or shine, and in all temperatures, so weather conscious clothing is of utmost importance. Neutral colored rain-proof shoes or boots, wool socks, and a poncho can make the difference between a miserable street team event and a great one!  Same goes for a nice pair of warm gloves (and hand warmers), long-sleeve undershirts, and hats for cold weather events.  And, in the summer don’t forget the sunscreen and protective lip balm! Thankfully, we all have easy access to weather forecasts, so be sure to check the forecast before your shift and pack/dress accordingly. There’s nothing worse than suffering from the elements during an outdoor event.

6.  Minimalist Fanny Pack

Many event sites will not have space for you to store your belongings. Bringing your backpack or purse and having to store it in an unlocked area is not ideal.  And although theft is rare, it does happen. Eliminate this worry by bringing essentials (your smartphone, charger, wallet, and keys) in a minimalist fanny pack.  Check out waist belts that are made for runners.  They are small, stretch to fit your belongings, and you can comfortably wear them under your event t-shirt.

7.  Wristwatch

Time is important during event executions and brand ambassadors need to have easy access to a clock.  Timed event activities and elements, line management, shift changes, and break coverage are all things that brand ambassadors need to be aware of.  Looking at your phone in any capacity during a shift will appear unprofessional.  To solve this problem, purchase a basic, waterproof watch that will hold up to the elements.

8.  Snacks and Water

Never depend on water and food to be provided to you (even if you’re told it will be).  Shifts can be long and not having access to food or water will make for a very uncomfortable day.  It is your responsibility to make sure you’re well hydrated and not hungry. Pack your own water and snacks so you can be your most awesome and energetic self during your shift!

9.  Home Printer

As a brand ambassador, you’ll most likely work for many event staffing agencies and you’ll find yourself filling out a lot of paperwork.  And while some things can be done online, it’s always a good idea to have a paper copy of some of your documents.

Additionally, if you are a team lead, lead brand ambassador, or an event manager, you will be printing time-sheets for your onsite team.  You never know when a team lead position may present itself.  Be prepared to take on the extra responsibility (and pay) by having a home printer.

Bonus Gear:  A Good Camera

Having a small, quality point and shoot camera is not required but will help you to stand out. Smartphone cameras are fantastic for basic needs but to really blow an agency away, having a point-and-shoot is ideal.  If you’re interested in team lead and manager opportunities, one of the main things you will be responsible for is taking event photos.  You want these photos to be as high quality as possible and submitting amazing, high-quality images will get you noticed more than you think!

Having these staple items in your brand ambassador toolbox will prepare you for any job and you’ll never find yourself scrambling for any of these essential items. Here are some great examples of items that we have listed above.  Check it out and let us know if there are any items you can’t live without as a brand ambassador!   Happy Promoting, Team ATN!


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