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Happy Hour:  Weekly Round-Up

The latest and greatest news in experiential and event marketing.

Trade shows offer companies a great way to connect with customers and potential customers, but they can be costly and time-consuming.  In order to maximize your ROI, it’s important that you find unique ways to make your exhibit stand out – things that not only attract attendees but also things that keep them engaged.  In this week’s Happy Hour, we discuss five things that you can do to elevate the attendee exhibit experience.  We also feature an article with tips on choosing the right mobile app for your event and we’ll discuss why experiential is the future of retail.

5 Ways to Attract Attendees to Your Trade Show Booth

trade show attendeesWhen it comes to trade show marketing, objectives can vary by company and industry.  However, for most businesses the top priority is to create conversations that will lead to conversions after the show.  And the only way to have those conversations is to drive attendees to your booth.  Therefore, you must create an exhibit experience that stands out and makes a statement. Besides having the right brand ambassadors on hand to draw traffic to your booth, consider the following tips to get the most out of your trade show exhibit.

How to Choose the Right Mobile App for Your Event

mobile apps in eventsTechnology is an integral part of our everyday lives.  It has changed the way we do just about everything – from banking to shopping to the way we attend events.  With that said, it’s no wonder that mobile apps are becoming increasingly popular in events.  They offer experience planners a way to communicate and engage with attendees.  At the same time, they allow for an enhanced attendee experience, one that is customized to the attendees’ needs while also offering a more immersive experience.  There are many options available when it comes to event apps, but for most planners, the process of choosing one may seem daunting.  Before you begin exploring event apps, ask yourself these questions to determine which app is right for your needs.

Experiential is Retail’s Saving Grace

experiential is retail's saving graceAs consumers choose to invest in experiences over material things, retailers must up their game to meet the demands and expectations of their customers. This can be achieved by creating an inviting retail experience that not only attracts people to the store but also evokes a positive and memorable moment that sticks with the customer. This type of experience, AKA experiential retail, has become a go-to strategy for many retailers.  And the retailers that understand the need to enhance the customer experience are the ones that are seeing success.  In this article, the author explains why experiential is the future of retail and features several retailers who are seeing great success with the strategy.

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Happy Hour!  Join us again next week and be sure to subscribe to our blog while you’re here.  Cheers!

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When it comes to face-to-face marketing, the people representing your brand are your most valuable asset!  ATN works closely with our clients to ensure that we provide the right team of brand ambassadors for every activation, no matter the ask.  If you are looking for an event staffing agency partner for your next activation or trade show, ATN is here for you!

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