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The Be Herd Podcast

A podcast that shares helpful tips and information for those who work in the experiential and event marketing industry.

At the onslaught of COVID-19, experiential marketers and event professionals were in dismay as our livelihoods and the industry we love crumbled around us.  As the industry scrambled to develop new strategies to keep things running at some capacity, the emotional baggage that came with the pandemic’s devastation was hard to bear.

Instead of dwelling on the doom and gloom surrounding him, Blake Herder, ATN’s VP of Sales and networking genius, turned his attention to creating conversations and helping others with the Be Herd Podcast.

It’s almost been a year since the podcast premiered, and we’re excited to announce that season two just launched!  To celebrate, we’re bringing you all the episodes from season one to enjoy!

Be Herd Season One

Ep. 1:  Freelancing 101 with a Freelancer Pro 

In this episode, we chat about all things freelancing.  Our guest Paulina has worked in the experiential and event marketing industry for over fifteen years and has freelanced for various agencies during her career.

Ep. 2:  New Agency Ownership with GEAUX Experiential’s Matt Black

You don’t want to miss this episode as 20+ year experiential marketing industry veteran Matt Black talks to us about recently opening GEAUX Experiential.

Ep. 3: Tour Manager Tips, Travel Hacks, and More

As a veteran tour manager, there’s not much Kevin Tichenor hasn’t done or seen out there.  In this episode, Kevin shares what it’s like to be a tour manager and provides helpful tips, travel hacks, and more for all you road warriors out there!

Ep. 4: Covid-19 Job Search 101 (Part 1) 

Alex Querna has quite an impressive career background in experiential marketing on both the brand and agency side.  Like countless others, Alex was laid off due to COVID, and in this episode, we discuss how he navigated the job search process during the pandemic.

Update:  Shortly after this episode aired, Alex landed a job with an eSports company.

Ep. 5: Covid-19 Job Search 101 (Part 2) 

Jon Anderson joins us to discuss his current approach to landing a new opportunity – a must listen to anyone who is currently going through the same situation.

Ep. 6: The Human Side of HR (and Recruiting) 

In episode six, Maria Agostinelli answers all your burning questions about job screening and hiring processes, and discusses job search tips, resume no-no’s, thank you notes, and more!

Ep. 7: True Story: Covid-19 Job Search Success

Ashley Gullickson speaks about her COVID layoff and how she successfully battled back to secure a new role.

Ep. 8: Brand Marketing Insights 

In this episode, Laura Bishop joins us to talk about her career journey and shares her experiences as a brand marketer.

Ep. 9: Networking: No Payne, No Gain

Networking is painful and awkward for most people, but not Jennifer Payne, an account director, and an all-around class act. If you’re brushing up on your networking skills, you definitely want to give this episode a listen.

EP. 10: LinkedIn, Networking and Maintaining a Positive Outlook During COVID 

Joey Catrino and host Blake Herder went from strangers to fast friends. Joey shares many helpful tips on navigating LinkedIn, word clouds, and more in episode 10.

EP. 11: Teamwork Makes The Dream Work 

Don’t miss this fun and educational conversation with Will Hoven! He talks about teamwork, communication, and networking.

Ep. 12: Staying Positive During Uncertain Times 

Having trouble keeping yourself in a positive mindset these days? You’re not alone. Hear what Robin Kleban and George P. Johnson have been doing to help their team stay positive during uncertain times.

Ep. 13: The TRUTH About Working from Home 

Pandemic or not, working from home isn’t always unicorns and rainbows.  In this episode, Blake and special guest Bradley LaPaugh talk about the highs and lows of working from home.

Ep. 14: All Things Sales with Jay Menashe

Annoying salespeople can be the worst. Sometimes it’s difficult to know where the line is between supportive and stalker, but Jay Menashe definitely has the balance figured out.  Tune in to hear about his candy selling days, LinkedIn tips, and so much more.

Ep. 15: The Importance of Networking 

Listen in as David Meslar shares his experience in climbing the brand marketing ladder, from his internship at RedPeg to his current role at Under Armour, and why he attributes networking to his success.

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The Be Herd podcast powered by ATN Event Staffing caters to those who work in the experiential and event marketing industry.  On each show, host Blake Herder discusses various topics with guests and offers helpful tips, resources, and more.

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