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Although experiential marketing is often associated with campaigns that home in on Millennials and Generation Z, this strategy can also be used to target other generations. By understanding what different age groups want and expect from brands, businesses can take advantage of experiential marketing to reach Baby Boomer and Gen X audiences in new, more effective ways.

Baby Boomers Are Ready to Embrace Retirement with Adventure

Born between the 1940s and 1960s, Baby Boomers came along right after World War II. This is a massive generation, and today, they’re around retirement age, which means they’re ready to start focusing on experiencing things, rather than merely buying things.

This generation weighs their options heavily before making a purchase, but if they pick your brand against the rest, they’re also likely to remain loyal. And, like younger generations, Boomers are online, and they’re using social media sites like Facebook and YouTube (whether their Gen X or Millennial kids like it or not).

With experiential marketing, you can reach Baby Boomers, develop a more personal relationship with them, and receive that all-important trust and loyalty from them. This is especially true if you can manage to take this generation on an adventure, whether physically or virtually.  After all, Baby Boomers love to travel, have fun, and experience new things.

Experiential Marketing for All Generations

AARP’s Block Parties visit festivals throughout the U.S. to promote their brand and offer Boomers plenty of interactive experiences.           (Photo:  The Freeman Company)

Gen X Is the In-Between Generation That Wants More Attention

Born between the 1960s and 1980s, Generation X is smaller in size and can be challenging to figure out. This generation has been through a lot, from wars to economic crashes. Plus, they aren’t as easy to define as, say, Baby Boomers or Millennials, so marketers might decide to leave them out of their experiential marketing plans altogether.

There’s a host of reasons why targeting Gen X should be on your agenda. These are individuals between the ages of their late 30s and early 50s, and they have a lot of influence and spending power. They are parents, and they have money to spend on products for themselves and their kids. They also prefer brands that are transparent, and they’ll show their extreme loyalty to authentic businesses that give back to society. Once they become your fan, they’ll be sure to tell fellow Gen Xers about why your business is worth their hard-earned money.

These are influencers, innovators, and entrepreneurs who have been a part of the shift from the old to the new, bridging the gap between Boomers and Millennials. Gen X spends a lot of time online and on social media, but they’re careful about what they share. And, even though these hard-working consumers can be reached via non-digital media, they do stay on top of the latest tech as well.

When developing experiential campaigns for Gen X, feel free to take a more unconventional approach, as this generation will appreciate you showing them why you value them. Gen Xers, often dubbed the “middle child” generation, sometimes feel left out and neglected by brands.  Make them the center of attention, and give them a chance to interact with your brand in a hands-on way.

Nostalgia and cross-generational marketing campaigns work particularly well for this generation.  Crafting experiences that they can enjoy and that their kids can experience with them is a great way to reach Gen Xers and keep them coming back for more.

Experiential Marketing for All Generations

Eight O’Clock Coffee’s Central Perk pop-up brought Gen Xers together to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Friends.                                        (Photo:

Connect to Every Generation with Experiential Marketing

The best thing about experiential marketing is that you can cater to the needs of all generations, from Boomers to Generation Z.  Think outside the box, while considering each generation’s unique preferences, habits, and needs.   This will allow you to create a genuine campaign that truly speaks to them.

When planning your campaign, put some thought into who you want representing your brand.  Can they relate to your target demographic and vice-versa?   To be successful, you need brand ambassadors who can comfortably engage and connect with who you’re targeting.

No matter which generation you want to connect with, ATN has brand ambassadors for you.  With the largest talent database in the industry, we have access to brand ambassadors of ALL ages who can relate to your target audience.  If you’re interested in learning more about our event staffing services, please click here!

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