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GPS Check-in

ATN recently launched a proprietary GPS tracking tool for brand ambassadors. Our event management systems continue to push the envelope with GPS check-in. Now when brand ambassadors are scheduled to work, we have the ability to pinpoint their exact location at the start and end time of their shifts.

Event Optimization with GPS Check-in

Clients are already raving about how GPS check-in helps events start as planned and run efficiently. Likewise, this functionality streamlines ATN’s internal processes, so we can focus our attention where it’s best suited.

Our brand ambassadors appreciate the simplified procedure, too, which makes them happier and more productive workers. GPS check-in is a win-win and a no-brainer (plus, it’s kind of fun) for all concerned.

As ATN continues to refine the tool, we look forward to gathering input from both our clients and brand ambassadors. GPS check-in is one more way that we’re striving to be on the leading edge of event staffing.