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Happy Hour:  Weekly Round-Up

The latest and greatest news in experiential and event marketing.

Event marketing gives brands the opportunity to connect with consumers in ways that make an impact.  And while it’s often easy to tell on the surface if an event was successful, it’s essential for marketers to measure and prove what made it a success. In order to do this, companies must have a clear strategy when it comes to setting goals and measuring KPIs.  In this week’s Happy Hour, we bring you nine ways to measure the success of an event.  We also look at the importance of trade show booth design, the do’s and don’ts of launching a pop-up, and how a 143-year-old sporting event is engaging younger fans with brand experiences.

9 Ways to Measure Event Marketing Success

“You put a lot of effort and numerous hours into your event. Of course you want some proof that your time was worth it.” ~Irene Byvalkevych

Understanding Experiential Marketing ROIMeasuring the success of an event should be a top priority on any event marketer’s checklist.  With more companies allocating more of their marketing dollars to events, it’s important to be able to prove that their investments are well spent. Having a solid overview of key event metrics and being able to identify specific elements that worked (or didn’t) is important in understanding event ROI.  Luckily, today’s event marketers have a wealth of resources, measurement tools, and methodologies for evaluating the effectiveness of events.  Yet, it’s an overwhelming task if you don’t where to begin.  Here, we look at nine key areas to focus on when it comes to evaluating the success of your event.

Here’s How to Make Your Trade Show Booth Shine

“If you plan to have a booth stand in a trade show, make sure you stand out. ” ~Faisal Ghaffar

Trade Show Booth DesignLet’s face it, attention spans today are at an all-time low.  According to this Microsoft study, the average person has an attention span of eight seconds.  That’s lower than your kid’s pet goldfish by the way.  For trade show marketers, this poses a huge problem.  For starters, the trade show floor is filled with competing booths and exhibits that are trying to get the attention of the same attendees that you are.  Those eight seconds are like ticking timebombs and you need to make a killer first impression to attract potential customers to your exhibit.  Attention to detail is crucial when it comes to the design of your booth.  From design elements to logo placement, this article explores ten tips that will help your trade show booth shine.

5 Things to Consider Before Launching a Pop-Up Event

The challenge for brands is making sure a pop-up delivers more than just press coverage and a pretty picture.” ~Vaughan Edmonds

popup shopIn recent years, pop-ups have become a go-to for brands looking to raise awareness, launch new products, grow existing ones, and connect with consumers in unique spaces.  But as the pop-up space becomes more saturated, it also causes consumers to tune them out.  As a result, brands must work harder to ensure that their pop-ups are relevant and that they resonate with consumers.  The way to do this is by creating a pop-up experience that makes a memorable impression on the consumer that sticks with them.  To achieve pop-up marketing success, brands should consider a combination of factors to ensure that the activation has a meaningful and lasting impact.

How the Kentucky Derby is Keeping Up With the Experience Generation

“With a race that relies on its traditions, courting a new generation of fans might seem daunting, but Churchill Downs is doing its best to work with brands on activations and activities that give people a reason to attend and watch beyond just the race.” ~Kyle O’Brien

Kentucky Derby Brand ActivationAttending the Kentucky Derby is definitely a bucket list item for many people.  From the hats and dresses to the infamous mint juleps, the Derby is more than just a horse race.  In recent years it has become a mecca for brand sponsorships and activations.  Churchill Downs’ marketing officials understand the dire need to entertain both older and younger generations.  They want to make the Derby fan experience a memorable one for everyone and they are doing a darn good job at it.  Here, the Drum talks with Kristin Warfield, vice-president of partnerships at Churchill Downs, about how they are engaging the experience generation to keep them coming back for more.

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