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Not only are there a variety of openings for summer jobs 2016, the event locations and job roles can be crazy fun!

Pro Tips For Summer Jobs 2016

Summer is prime season for promotional event work.

If you’ve worked summer jobs outdoors, you understand how long a hot day can be.

Summer Jobs 2016

Summer Jobs 2016

From electrifying tailgate events to bubbly college campus promotions to the holy grail of summer event excitement: festivals; summer event work has the potential to surpass the typical humdrum work experience.

Potential is all well and good but an 8-12 hour shift on your feet out in the blazing sun can be challenging and uncomfortable. Work these shifts back-to-back, every weekend for 3 months and you will be sunburnt and burnt out.

Sounds bad, right?

All is not lost!

As the old Scandinavian saying goes: “There is no bad weather, only bad gear.”

Choose the right attire and I pinky swear it will be smooth sailing through your event work this summer!

A few tweaks in your uniform choice can transform a torturous, stumbling, lengthy, mirage-inducing desert excursion to become less tortuous and more mirage-like.

When it comes to event uniform standards, quality overrides quantity every single time.

Working as a freelance brand ambassador is your business and it’s important to treat it as such. Investing in your onsite clothing choices can make a world of difference when it comes to booking summer jobs and throughout the year and believe it or not, clients take note of this.

For example: Did you know that if a back-up staff member is dressed appropriately he/she will replace someone who is inappropriately dressed and already booked for that event?

Back-up staff members are not just place holders, they are there to take over if a hired staff member isn’t doing what they were hired to do and this includes wearing the proper uniform.

In short: A professional appearance is a huge part of promotional work and can make or break your book-ability.

Although uniform requirements can vary from job-to-job there are some universal brand ambassador clothing basics worth investing in. You will be able to use many of these pieces for summer jobs and throughout the year too!

Promo Fashion

Promo Fashion

The Dos and Don’ts of Summer Jobs fashion

1 – Footwear

Do purchase comfortable, clean white or black sneakers. GOOD ONES. Footwear is the number one item to NOT take a shortcut on.

Having comfortable footwear can change your entire outlook especially during long shifts and this will allow you to be the awesome Brand Ambassador that you are.

Don’t ever wear flip flops, heels, platforms, open toed shoes or sandals of any sort (unless specified). Aside from the potential for these footwear choices to look unprofessional, they are dangerous to wear on an event site.

2 – Bottoms

Do wear knee length khaki and black shorts. Invest in a few pairs of higher-end shorts and
they will last longer and look better. To really look sharp, iron your shorts the night before.

Don’t wear shorts that are mid thigh or shorter. Unless specified, the event site
is considered a booty-free zone!

3 – Accessories

Do wear minimal jewelry or none at all and sunglasses that are non-branded.

Don’t wear statement pieces, dangly or large hoop earrings.

4 – Styling


Do wear light and natural make up. A tinted moisturizer, cheek tint, tinted
chapstick and waterproof mascara is typically enough to keep you looking fresh
throughout the day. Hair should be pulled up, tidy and natural.

Don’t apply heavy foundation and/or eye make up or use a thick lipstick. A heavily made-
up face can have a melty-scary-clown look once the heat hits. Avoid fussy updos,
and long or outlandishly manicured nails.


Do have clean, kempt hair and facial hair. Wear deodorant and make sure your nails are clean.

Don’t show up with sloppy stubble and hat hair.

5 – Supplies

Do assume that you need to have everything on you for a long day out in the sun. Typically our clients are extremely good about having hydration onsite but why risk it? Bring a refillable water bottle, sunblock, nutrition bars and mints.

Don’t bring anything that needs to be refrigerated

6 – Extras

Do bring a junk shirt and shoes that you can wear during set up/tear down. Extra socks aren’t a bad idea either. Gold Bond for the boys seems to be a lifesaver. Deodorant!

Don’t bring a giant bag full of stuff. Usually there isn’t a lot of on site storage so bring the least amount of items as possible.

For resources and suggestions related to uniforms, please be sure to check out and follow my Brand Ambassador Fashion board on Pinterest.

Summer jobs offer brand ambassadors the opportunity to stack some serious cash which helps during the slower event work seasons. One of the biggest ways to sustain a hefty workload during this time of year is to prepare by investing in the right attire and gear.

ATN Promo is now accepting applicants for a variety of summer jobs 2016 nationwide. Please apply via the link below and be sure to include at least one profile photo. Set up a Free ATN Promo profile HERE.