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Resume Boost: 7 Marketable Brand Ambassador Skills

The soft and transferable skills you develop as a brand ambassador are highly sought after in many lines of work! Defining and including these skills can boost your resume, as they are valuable when seeking new opportunities.

What are soft skills?

Unlike technical skills, which are learned through experience and education, soft skills relate more to one’s character or personality. They include things like problem-solving, interpersonal skills, creativity, and more.

What are transferable skills?

Transferable skills include both technical and soft skills. They are not specific to one job and can be applied to various roles or careers in multiple industries.

7 Examples of Highly Marketable and Transferable Skills of Brand Ambassadors

1. Communication

As a brand ambassador, your primary responsibility is to communicate effectively with consumers and event attendees, staffing agencies, event managers, and your fellow team members.

How it Translates: The experience that you gain articulating brand messaging and engaging with diverse audiences can be used in just about any job that you come across, making it one of the most desirable skills employers seek.

2. Teamwork 

Promotional teams can vary in size, ranging from two people to over one hundred. Working alongside and with your teammates is essential to creating a cohesive and impactful brand presence.

How it Translates: The ability to collaborate effectively and contribute to the team dynamic is a skill that extends far beyond events, making brand ambassadors excellent candidates for team-oriented roles in various industries.

3. Creative Problem-Solving and Adaptability  

Activations and events can often present complex and unpredictable challenges on multiple levels, but successful brand ambassadors are adept at navigating issues and changes, even the last-minute ones, by adapting to the circumstances and coming up with solutions without missing a beat. Problem-solving in our industry involves active listening, decision-making, communication, and sometimes even a little research.

How it Translates: Critical thinking and developing creative solutions is not easy, especially under pressure, and let’s face it, just about every job, from customer service to healthcare to technology, requires some degree of problem-solving. 

4. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal dynamics encompass a wide, organic range of verbal and non-verbal skills that are used to interact with other people, including showing empathy, listening and communicating, conflict resolution, and leading others, to name a few. Promotional events require that you use these types of skills when engaging with attendees, clients, and co-workers.

How it Translates: Almost every job requires some type of interpersonal skills – whether it’s with your boss, co-workers, clients, or customers. 

5. Cultural Sensitivity

Interacting and working with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures is a huge perk for brand ambassadors. Oftentimes, brand ambassadors are given the opportunity to work in settings that may be unfamiliar to them, allowing them to learn about different cultures and gain understanding about values and beliefs that may be different from their own.

How it Translates: Having respect for other cultures, valuing diversity, being aware of your own biases, and adapting are important for your growth, both professionally and personally, and employers seek employees who can bring that to the workplace. 

5. Customer Service Skills

As a brand ambassador, your job is to facilitate a positive and meaningful interaction with the brands you represent so that consumers leave feeling satisfied. This one-on-one interaction is like any other customer service-oriented position, whether a salesperson or a restaurant server. 

How it Translates: Engaging in two-way conversations, actively listening to consumers, conveying key messaging, and even greeting people in a warm and friendly manner at an event gives you an incredible amount of experience that will enhance the customer experience in any customer-facing job. 

6. A Positive Attitude

The importance of a positive attitude cannot be understated. Most brand ambassador jobs require you to have a warm, friendly, helpful, positive, and approachable demeanor. This is what sets the tone for the connections you make with consumers, which can be linked to increased sales and brand loyalty.

How it Translates: Having an optimistic mindset in any profession will be an asset to your employer, and overall, it’s good for your well-being.

How to market your soft skills on your resume, LinkedIn profile, and event staffing agency profiles:

  • Include soft skills in your professional summary or objective.
  • Make a note of these skills in the “skills” section where applicable.
  • Provide specific examples of goals you met and use soft skills descriptors.
  • When applying to a specific job, adjust the soft skills on your resume as needed based on the job ad’s keywords.

Actionable Step: 5 to 15 minutes

Professional Development Journaling 

Use the tool that is the most comfortable for you: pen to paper notebook or journal, typed on a laptop or a notes app on your phone.

In your journal, answer the following questions:

  • What are the top 3 soft skills I’ve gained from working as a brand ambassador?
  • What are my most vital soft skills, and why?
  • What soft skills would I like to practice more?


Exploring and honing in on your soft skills is a great practice to better understand what you offer professionally. Including these skills in your professional credentials is a great way to highlight and market your brand ambassador experience.

Since 2002, ATN Event Staffing has provided brand ambassadors and event staff for some of the hottest brands around. Click here to learn more about what we do and how you can join our team!