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How To Become A Promotional Model

If you want to become a promotional model, you are in the right place!  This super helpful guide will walk you through what a promotional model is, what they do, and how you can become one.

What is a Promotional Model?

Brands and companies often use promotional models to promote their products or services to their target consumers through face-to-face marketing, also known as live marketing.  Face-to-face marketing can include experiential marketing, trade shows and conventions, promotional events, corporate events, publicity stunts, and more.

The primary responsibilities of a promotional model are to serve as an extension of the brand or company, interact and engage with consumers, promote products or services, and most of all, make a lasting and positive brand impression on the consumer.

Do You Have to Be a Professional Model to Be a Promotional Model?

While the term “model” may throw you, promotional models are not expected to be professional or even amateur models.  While there are often client-specific physical attributes, personality plays a much larger role in the promotional modeling industry.  Promotional models are expected to be energetic, engaging, and friendly. They have to be comfortable approaching and speaking to just about anyone to form a connection between the consumer and the brand.

promotional models

How Can I Become a Promotional Model?

If you have great verbal communication skills, an outgoing personality, and love talking to new people, you can easily become a promotional model!  Promotional models are needed for brands and companies of all shapes and sizes and are typically hired through promotional modeling agencies and/or event staffing agencies (some serve as both).  If you’re interested in becoming a promotional model, you will need to create a staff profile with multiple agencies, and based on your location, experience, and skills, you will receive an email notification when there are opportunities that match your profile.  You can then apply for the position and if selected for a phone interview, one will be set up.  Below we provide you with three tips to help you land your first promotional modeling gig.

1. Gather Your Credentials


  • You will need at least one headshot and one full body shot to add to staffing agency profiles.
  • Think of your photos as a virtual job interview and present yourself accordingly.
  • Agencies and their clients want to see current and true-to-you photos that reflect your everyday self.

Agency Tips:  Profile Photo Guidelines

  • Photos do not have to be taken by a professional.
  • Present your true physical appearance in the photos you submit.  This means little to no retouching or filters applied.
  • Present yourself in a professional manner with natural makeup and hair and be sure to smile.
  • Do not submit group photos, selfies, or photos taken in front of a mirror.  And absolutely no skimpy attire, hats, or sunglasses.


If you do not have any promotional modeling experience, don’t worry, everyone has to start somewhere. The biggest thing that a promotional modeling agency is looking for are promotional models that can comfortably communicate with consumers.  Include any relevant experience and/or skills that you have that is customer-facing or service related.  Examples include retail, restaurants, and/or hospitality jobs.

Agency Tips: What to Include on Your Resume

  • Basic information and work history.
  • Any customer service experience that you have.
  • If you speak more than one language, be sure to include that.  Bilingual promotional models are often in high demand.
  • Special skills, interests or hobbies that you have.
  • Most importantly, your promotional modeling resume should easy-to-read, organized and grammatically correct.

Physical Attributes

Promotional models are typically assigned a uniform which can vary depending on the brand and event.  You’ll want to take accurate measurements to ensure you receive a properly-fitted uniform.

Agency Tips:  Measurements and Sizes Needed

  • Height
  • Bust
  • Waist
  • Hips
  • T-shirt size
  • Pants size
  • Dress size
  • Shoe size

Intro Video

Although it can feel awkward, adding a 15-30 second video introducing yourself and discussing your experience, interests, and skills is something clients are asking for more and more these days. Take the time to create a short introduction video to have on hand if an agency or client requests it.

Agency Tips:  Video Guidelines

  • Keep the video as natural as possible and speak clearly.  Make eye contact with the camera.
  • Make sure you are filming in a well-lit and quiet area.
  • Practice out loud and do several takes.
  • Dress and style yourself as you would if you were going to an in-person interview.
  • Read more about best intro video practices here.

2. Begin Your Job Search and Create Profiles with Promotional Modeling Agencies

Staffing Agencies

Finding work as a promotional model is far more straightforward than the typical job hunt.  Promotional models are typically staffed through event staffing agencies, and you can find plenty of agencies online. A few key phrases to use in your search include event staffing agencies, promotional modeling agencies, experiential marketing staffing agencies, and trade show modeling agencies.  Once you have established the agencies you would like to register with, you can easily locate their staff registration link on their website.

Creating a staff profile (also known as model or talent profile) should always be free.  You should never pay to create a profile with an event staffing agency.  Most agencies require the same types of information, including your contact information, credentials (listed above), and location selection.  Many agencies offer nationwide event staffing for their clients, which gives you the opportunity to work not only in your local market but in other locations as well.  If you have friends or family in other cities that you can stay with, you can include those in your location selection, and you will receive notifications of opportunities in those locations as well.  Some staffing agencies employ W-2 promotional models while others hire 1099 independent contractors.  In the case of W-2 agencies, you will need to make sure you have the required forms of identification for the federal I9 form ready to upload.

Online Listings

Many agencies post their promotional modeling jobs online and on their website.  Here are a few places that you can search online for opportunities.

  • Local and nationwide brand ambassador and promotional model Facebook groups.
  • Social media networks.
  • Follow and/or connect with event staffing agencies and/or agency recruiters on LinkedIn.
  • Search for industry-related job boards.
  • Traditional classified job sites list promotional modeling opportunities.

Agency Tip:  Submitting Information

When filling out your staff profile and/or submitting your information for a specific job from a job board, take your time and focus on following each agency’s request on what they require.

3.  The Interview and Hiring Process

If you are selected for an interview, be sure to schedule it when you are fully available to speak to the agency’s account manager.  You’ll want to make sure you are completely focused on the interview.

Agency Tips:  Communication

  • Choose a quiet setting for your interview and answer questions honestly and thoroughly.
  • Smile when you are talking. As weird as it sounds, people can “hear” a smile over the phone.
  • Make sure your outgoing and enthusiastic personality shines in your interview.
  • If your account manager calls you for a non-scheduled interview and you are unable to answer, call them back as soon as possible. If you are in a location that is not suitable for an interview, explain this to them and tell them that you are highly interested in the job, but that you are in a noisy setting and that you will call them back at a certain time (within the same day and within business hours).
  • Once hired, there will most likely be new-hire paperwork that will need to be submitted before your event in order for you to work.  Fill out the paperwork completely and accurately (always review before submitting) and you’ll need to submit in a timely fashion.
  • Your account manager will communicate with you regularly leading up to the event. Be sure to respond to emails, texts and phone calls within a reasonable time frame.  Failure to do so may cause you to be removed from the event.

Tips for Working as a Promotional Model

Since this is a small niche industry, word travels fast among agencies and staff.  It is imperative that you give 110% to each and every event that you work while being a true professional. Now that you’ve landed the job, we’ll cover a few tips that will help you out at your first event.

  • As soon as you receive contact information for your agency account manager and your event manager, add them both to your contacts.
  • Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to the event start time.  This will allow you plenty of time to find the assigned location, meet your onsite contact, change into your uniform, and network with your manager and your team.
  • Map out the route to your event at least a before your event starts.  Allow plenty of time for traffic, parking, and detours.  If you are working at a large event like the Super Bowl, SXSW, Comic-Con, ETC., you’ll need to check for road closures.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and dress for weather conditions if you are working outdoors.  Layers are key in most regions.
  • Bring snacks, water, sunblock, cash, and your phone charger.
  • Listen closely to instructions and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Keep your phone out of sight during the activation, only eat/drink during assigned break times, and follow these expert tips.
  • Submit any approved receipts, reports, and photos to your account manager promptly after the event.
  • Be sure to follow up with your account manager and thank them for the opportunity.
  • Keep track of the events so they can be added to your resume.

The Final Word

Keeping your agency profiles current, networking with your co-workers, and being a stellar promotional model with a good work ethic is the best way to keep active in the promotional modeling world.

If you are interested in working with the best promotional modeling agency around, click below to create a talent profile with ATN Event Staffing!  Happy Promoting!

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Article originally published in January 2019 and recently updated