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6 Tips to Secure Consistent Work as a Brand Ambassador

Brand ambassador work offers fantastic flexibility but can sometimes be sporadic, and various factors can significantly influence the ebb and flow of job opportunities. While the freedom of being a brand ambassador is great, the infrequency of opportunities can be challenging if you’re looking for consistent work in the industry.

Securing Consistent Work as a Brand Ambassador: Finding Opportunities and Overcoming Challenges

book more consistent work as a brand ambassador

1. Location: Expand Your Reach

Challenge: Living in a smaller market can limit the number of available opportunities.

Solution: Consider working in locations outside of your immediate area. Longer shifts, higher rates, carpooling with colleagues, or travel bonuses make this option worthwhile. Embrace the chance to explore new places while increasing your booking rate frequency.

2. Experience: Build Your Profile

Challenge: While many brand ambassador jobs are entry-level friendly, a lack of experience with an agency might make your profile less visible than those who have previously worked with the agency.

Solution: Be proactive and less selective initially. Apply immediately to any opportunity, even if it’s not your top choice. Quick responses and a willingness to take on varied roles can open doors to future opportunities that align more closely with your preferences.

3. Talent Profile: Maintenance and Upkeep

Challenge: Inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated profiles can move to the bottom of the candidate pool.

Solution: Update your talent profiles, resumes, and headshots regularly, ideally quarterly. By frequently logging in and refreshing your information, skills, resume, and headshot, you signal to agencies that you are actively seeking work and ready for new opportunities.

4. Agency Registration: Broaden Your Horizons

Challenge: Not registering or having a profile with multiple brand ambassador staffing agencies can limit your work options.


  • Do a deep dive of research to locate agencies of all sizes.
  • Expand your reach by registering with as many agencies as possible.
  • Join the many brand ambassador Facebook groups that are out there and network to discover new agencies.

Engaging with the community can reveal opportunities you may have missed.

5. Network: Build Connections

Challenge: Lack of a professional network can close off potential job leads.


  • Actively connect with your peers both on-site and off-site.
  • Exchange contact information with other brand ambassadors that you work with.
  • Join online brand ambassador groups and connect with industry professionals, brand ambassadors, and agencies on social media.

Networking can lead to job referrals, advice, and shared opportunities, enhancing your career prospects.

6. Explore: Diversify Opportunities

Challenge: Limiting yourself to specific types of events may restrict your opportunities.

Solution: Be open to many events that fall under the “brand ambassadors” umbrella, such as trade shows, exhibitions, retail promotions, food demos, merchandising, social media ambassadorships, and college ambassador roles (plus many more!) Research and contact agencies, brands, and companies offering such work to diversify your experience.

The Takeaway: Embracing Flexibility and Confidence

The key to securing consistent brand ambassador work is to remain open-minded, flexible, and confident. The opportunities are out there, but they may require adjusting your expectations. By adopting a creative and positive approach and actively putting yourself out there, you enhance your booking rate and embody the traits of the best brand ambassadors.

Remember, job searching requires effort and resilience. Embrace the process with a positive mindset, and you’ll find many opportunities coming your way!

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