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Happy Hour:  Weekly Round-Up

The latest and greatest news in experiential and event marketing.

With the vaccine rollout and the new mask guidelines outlined by the CDC, we’re getting closer and closer to normalcy.  But do you remember how weird it felt to wear a mask in public for the first time last year?  It was weird, right?  From my experience, the first time I went maskless felt even stranger.  Over the past year, our mindsets have changed in a big way, to the point of questioning what exactly is normal?  Normal will be different for each individual as some will be more hesitant than others to step away from the rules we’ve been living by, and some will go back to the old ways without batting an eye.  Tailoring live events to ensure that attendees feel comfortable and welcomed will be crucial for a successful event.

In this edition of Happy Hour, we feature a BizBash article that offers tips on making attendees feel more comfortable about attending an in-person event.  We also talk about the benefits and challenges of hybrid events and take a look at some great resources for planning events in the age of COVID.

Creating a Comfortable and Welcoming Event Environment in the Age of COVID

“As live events make their slow and steady return, attendees may still be nervous gathering in groups.” ~Claire Hoffman, BizBash

Photo: Visit Orlando

Attending an event for the first time in over a year is exciting.  But, at the same time, “normal” things now seem foreign, like high-fives and handshakes, standing in close proximity to strangers, and so forth.  Because of this new mindset, many people may have varying levels of anxiety about attending large gatherings, even with safety precautions in place. So what can event organizers do to cater to the needs of each attendee to give them peace of mind?  In this article, BizBash delivers seven tips that will help people feel more comfortable about attending your event.

The Benefits and Challenges of Hybrid Events 

“There are many pros and cons to Hybrid Events, what we believe to be the most obvious pro is that it can help boost your number of attendees as it accommodates both a live and virtual experience.” ~Cathy Joyce, EMC 3

event marketing trends to watch for in 2021

While virtual events bridged a gap in 2020, they lack one critical element that event attendees crave – face-to-face engagement.  Conferences and meetings go beyond what’s taking place on the stage. It’s the camaraderie, interactive activities, and the experience as a whole that attendees remember.  But there is one thing that virtual events are really good at – they’re inclusive for those who cannot attend.  Because of this, hybrid events will be a top choice for many event organizers. If you’re planning to go hybrid this year, there are considerations and pain points to keep in mind.

COVID Guidance for Event Marketers

event marketing resources in the age of COVID

With more live events taking place in an everchanging environment, many event marketers find themselves scrambling to keep up with the latest information.  From mask mandates to capacity limits to safety precautions, information is scattered and difficult to keep up with.  Here, Event Marketer supplies us with nine resources to bookmark and reference to help keep events safe and productive in the age of COVID.

Thanks for joining us for ATN’s Happy Hour!  Be sure to subscribe to our monthly blog while you’re here!

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