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ATN Event Staffing’s 31 Days of Giving Charitable Program

We were blessed with another incredible year in 2019.  It was a year of amazing growth, and we had the opportunity to work with so many amazing clients and staff.  As we reflect back on the year, one thing that always brings us joy is our annual 31 Days of Giving charitable program.

In November, we asked our internal team, clients, and social communities to recommend non-profits and charitable organizations that were close to their hearts.  From there, we aimed to donate to one charitable cause per day in December – 31 donations in all.  The response that we received was overwhelming and beautiful, and we ended up with 48 suggestions!  With that said, we had the privilege of giving to not just one, but sometimes two charities per day.  

2019 Impact

ATN is grateful to have the ability to give back and contribute to so many important and worthy causes through 31 Days of Giving. We can’t thank you enough for your suggestions and for helping us make a difference for these 48 organizations!

Cheers to 2020 and a prosperous year for all!