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COVID-19 severely impacted the live events industry in 2020.  Events were postponed and canceled, venues were closed, and event professionals watched their passion crumble around them. With the vaccine rollout earlier this year and event professionals working around the clock to create and execute safe events, the industry continues to gain momentum going into the last quarter of the year.  In this week’s Happy Hour, we present nine exciting statistics that define the current state of the events industry.  We also discuss the benefits of mobile marketing tactics for  B2B brands and the importance of sustainability in live events and how brands are implementing eco-friendly practices.

9 Exciting Event Statistics You Need to Know 

“46 percent of respondents have hosted an in-person event in the last 6 months.” ~Event MB

Exciting Event Statistics

The events industry is steadily gaining traction after the pandemic put a damper on things in 2020 and early 2021. Many event professionals can only judge the recovery process by what is happening within their own companies, making it hard to grasp the bigger picture. To help the industry understand where things stand, Event Manager Blog has surveyed event professionals each quarter this year to gather valuable information on industry “trends and patterns.” Read on to discover nine preliminary event statistics from Event MB’s Q3 research.  

The Benefits of Mobile Marketing Strategies for B2B Companies

“Roadshows and B2B mobile tours offer valuable information, education, and a much more individualized experience.” ~Dyan Cornacchio, Sparks

b2b mobile tours and roadshows

Photo: MediaVillage

The pandemic has presented its fair share of challenges for B2B brands that rely on in-person conferences, meetings, and trade shows to connect with customers and prospects.  These events are coming back, slowly but surely, but some marketers are taking matters into their own hands and meeting their customers in their backyards with mobile marketing tactics.  By taking products and services on the road, companies can meet customers in a more personalized and intimate environment.  Here, Sparks discusses how brands can take advantage of the benefits of B2B mobile marketing strategies.

6 Brands That Are Incorporating Eco-Friendly Practices Into Live Events

“As in-person events begin to make a comeback, the implementation of intentional and thoughtful sustainability practices into events and physical activations is more important than ever before.” ~Becky Schutz, Agency EA

Sustainable Events

Marketing events have a bad rap for creating a lot of waste. Throw in a pandemic and a myriad of safety precautions, including single-use PPE and individually wrapped items, and there’s even more waste to add. For many companies, incorporating sustainable practices into their events is a top priority. Going green allows brands to differentiate themselves and stand out among consumers. In fact, according to this article, “60% of participants prefer attending conferences hosted using sustainable practices.” Here, Agency EA features a few brands that are incorporating greener practices into their live events to make them more eco-friendly.

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Since 2002, ATN Event Staffing has assisted thousands of brands and marketing agencies with their experiential marketing staffing needs.  We work closely with our clients to provide stellar brand ambassadors for our clients’ programs each and every time.  If you are looking for an event staffing partner for your next campaign, we would love to chat with you!