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As a brand ambassador, promotional model, or any other type of event staff team member, there are certain dos and don’ts that you should be mindful of.  The experiential marketing staffing industry is a small, close-knit industry, not to mention a highly competitive industry.  The very best brand ambassadors earn a stellar reputation for themselves because they follow the points that we have outlined below and never stray.  It’s a lot easier to maintain a good reputation with an agency rather than trying to do damage control for stepping out of line.


  • Know the brand you’re representing. A quick visit to a brand’s homepage can tell you a lot about the brand in just a few minutes.
  • Smile and have fun. Be enthusiastic about the brand or service you are representing.
  • People are much more receptive to staff who have a happy and positive demeanor. With that said, be vocal, enthusiastic, polite, friendly, outgoing and approachable.
  • The foundation of experiential marketing is to create an emotional connection with consumers that they will remember. It is your job to create a positive and memorable brand experience for the consumer.
  • Be proactive in every area of your work.
  • Always arrive at least 15 minutes before the shift start time.
  • Follow any directions that the onsite manager, client, and/or lead brand ambassador gives you.
  • Keep breaks within the given time frame.
  • Be mindful of the event area. Keep it neat and clean (pick up any dropped or discarded literature or premiums, break down boxes, stack them and keep them out of view if possible).  Replenish items as needed.


  • Do not eat when you are working. You may eat during assigned breaks.
  • Hydrating is important, however, drinks should be hidden from plain view and do not take sips in front of consumers.
  • You should not take or make personal calls or text while working. Handle any texts/calls on your assigned break.
  • No one should be sitting or leaning during the event. It creates a bad impression even if no one is nearby.
  • Do not stand like a “drone” when working an event.  You are there to interact with the public, you need to approach consumers and engage them in conversation.
  • Remember you are a representative of multiple entities. Never speak poorly of the brand, the product/service, the client, the staffing agency, your co-workers, or consumers.
  • The use of drugs and/or alcohol is prohibited prior to and during your shift. After your shift, you may not drink or use drugs in your uniform.
  • Do not smoke while you are in your uniform. This applies to before the event, during the event, and after the event (even if away from public spaces).
  • When consumers are present, do not stand around talking with your co-workers. And never talk about politics or any other sensitive issues.
  • Don’t disappear during your shift. If it is your scheduled break time, be sure to check with the onsite manager or lead brand ambassador before you take your break.
  • Do not post negative comments on social media about the event, the brand, the client, the staffing agency, or your co-workers.

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event staff tips
event staff tips
event staff tips
event staff tips
event staff tips
promotional event staff tips
promotional event staff tips
promotional event staff tips
promotional event staff tips