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All companies are seeking out the one way to wow an audience, the one way to create brand awareness, the one way to make an impact and grow. What some don’t realize is that there isn’t some magical formula for success. And there isn’t just one way to do it. What there is though is a set of tools that brands can use to reach their target audiences on an authentic and personal level. And it’s not always about growing the biggest following, but rather growing the highest quality following. Brands can increase this awareness, this loyalty, and acknowledgment of their products and services through many avenues, but particularly through implementing these tried and true experiential marketing tactics that have been successful for decades.

4 Experiential Marketing Tactics that Build Brand Awareness

Get products in consumers’ hands with product sampling campaigns.

People like free stuff.  Offering samples to consumers is a solid way to introduce your brand and increase brand awareness.  Sampling programs open the opportunity for meaningful interactions with consumers, not to mention, they get your products directly into the hands of consumers. Additionally, you can gain valuable feedback about your product and brand which is vital in understanding purchasing habits of your target demographic.

Generate buzz with publicity stunts.

Publicity stunts are an incredible way to showcase a brand or product in a unique, innovative, and noticeable way. From Amazon’s recent Jurassic World stunt that took over a year to plan to smaller scale stunts like flash mobs and brand mascots, PR brand stunts come in all shapes and sizes making it easy for any companies of any size to execute them. A successful publicity stunt can generate a lot of buzz for your brand, so make it fun, memorable, and most of all, shareable.

Hit the streets.

Street team marketing is a powerful and cost-efficient tool for building brand awareness.  Street teams target consumers where they work, live, and play, bringing brands directly to consumers.  The best thing about street team marketing is that it can work for any brand, big or small, with any budget, and can be used to promote a brand in a number of ways.  From distributing samples or giveaways to promoting a future event to showing off the latest mobile technology, a well-executed street team activation will get your brand in front of the consumers who matter most.

Try it before you buy it.

The try it before you buy mentality holds true for receiving product samples as well as product demonstrations. A face-to-face demo is much more powerful than a digital ad flashing across a screen.  When you showcase your product or service with a demonstration, it allows consumers to engage with your brand and see it in action. This leads to brand awareness and increased sales (both short term and long term).


With each of these tactics, success depends on the execution of the ideas, and the people that are the face and voice of your brand. If executed poorly, it could negatively affect your brand. If done well, it can rocket your brand far beyond your wildest expectations. Before implementing any of these strategies, you’ll need to design your campaign with your target audience in mind – their interests, their likes, and dislikes, their spending habits, etc.  In doing so, you’ll be sure to leave a lasting and memorable impression on them.

As a leading staffing company for the experiential and event marketing industry, you can count on ATN for your event staffing needs.  We can pair you with the right people who will elevate your brand presence, create brand awareness, and drive loyalty for your product or service.  To learn more about our event staffing services, please click below to connect with a member of our client services team. 

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