ATN Event Staffing Logo

PR Agency Tactics – How To Connect With Consumers

For a PR Agency to really make an impact for a client’s product or service, sometimes a more non-traditional approach must be taken. This is where Experiential Marketing can come in handy.

Promotional events allow clients to reach consumers on a more intimate and direct level.

PR Agency

Although fun, wild and exciting promotional event experiences speak somewhat to the consumer it is more so the staff on the ground who are doing the connecting.

What a consumer walks away from when participating in an experiential event is the general impression of the product or service through real live experience.

When a PR Agency reaches out to us for staffing needs we know how valuable the overall consumer experience is to the end client and fully understand our role in the equation.

At ATN Promo we work very hard to ensure the most perfect staff members are placed with the right promotional events.

How do we do this?

This is done through a rigorous, well-practiced candidate screening process.

The Booking Process: 8 Steps for the Best Reps!

ATN Promo’s extensive Screening Booking process has proven to consistently identify the best candidate(s) for each specific Program or Event.
Each ATN candidate must meet these (8) benchmarks before they can represent ATN or our valued clients onsite:

• 3 confirmation weblinks – Applicant responses are required at various stages of the confirmation process
• Initial phone interview – Each candidate must relay qualifications for Opportunity to Account Management Team. (candidates must initiate these calls)
• Online pre-event quiz – Confirm they have read and understand Program. This can be customized to Client Event/Brand.
• Pre-event debriefing phone call – A second call within days of the event; to ensure onsite expectations are understood.
• Day-before text confirmation – This is yet another confirmation. This time with their ATN onsite Team Lead
• Day-of arrival check-in – With both the Team Lead and ATN Account Manager

Our screening process is crucial to matching specific brand ambassadors with promotional events based on client needs and the product/service being promoted. At ATN Promo we are always working hard to improve this process and get our clients just the right staff for their events! Contact US today to see how our PR Agency can help you!