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Happy Hour:  Weekly Round-Up 08.03.18

Trade shows offer companies a chance to get their products and services directly in front of their target audience.  But with thousands of trade shows executing annually, with thousands of exhibitors, how can a company stand out from the crowd?  In this week’s Happy Hour, we start off with an article for any trade show rookies (or pros) out there, bringing you tips on how to thrive on the trade show floor.  We’ll then bring you a few tips on how to measure and track event ROI.  Rounding out this edition, we will bring you an article from Sparks on to how to create and design an epic publicity stunt.

Trade Show Tips for Beginners

“If you’re fortunate enough to attend a trade show, be grateful for the chance.” ~Bennett Conlin

trade show tipsTrade shows offer an incredible opportunity to showcase brands, products, and services for B2B and B2C companies.  They give companies the chance to interact with potential clients and customers face-to-face, allowing them to experience the product or service in person.  But, whether you’re a seasoned pro or setting up shop for the first time, the trade show circuit can be a bit intimidating.  From design elements to the logistics of your exhibit booth to hiring trade show staff to interact with attendees, there is a lot that goes into a trade show.  And, with so many other booths vying for the attendees’ attention, how can a first-time exhibitor stand out among the competition?  Here are a few ways first-time exhibitors can make their first trade show experience a successful one.

Tips for Measuring and Tracking Experiential Marketing ROI

“Just because you experience a great turn out and participation at your activation doesn’t mean that it accomplished anything for your brand.” ~The Pineapple Agency

experiential marketing event ROIWith companies investing more in experiential marketing than ever before, it’s important for marketers to understand and prove event ROI to justify their spend.  Without measurement, it’s difficult to know what’s working and what’s not, and more importantly, how to improve moving forward.  Unfortunately, many marketers don’t know how to measure live events because the concept seems so intangible when in reality, it’s not that difficult to do.  With the industry growing and experiential budgets increasing, marketers need to have a clear and actionable plan in place when it comes to event metrics.  This will allow them to craft better experiences for consumers, prove ROI, and execute even more successful events in the future.  This article by The Pineapple Agency covers a few tips for measuring and tracking experiential marketing ROI.

Weaving Brand Experiences into B2B Events

b2b event marketing tacticsLike we mentioned above, more and more companies are seeing the value of experiential and event marketing, hence the reason this segment has seen tremendous growth.  When most think about experiential though, they only think B2C, but live brand experiences are equally as important for B2B brands.  The fact of the matter is people are people, and people today crave experiences, no matter if they are the consumer, client, customer, or prospect.  Brand experiences can be incorporated into tradeshows, corporate events, sales meetings, and more (look at what Marriott International did with their bi-annual sales meeting in Atlanta).  So, how can B2B organizations create experiences that generate buzz among customers and prospects?  Here are five innovative event marketing tactics that will help your brand stand out from the rest.

3 Ideas That Demonstrate Just How Valuable Experiential Marketing Is

“Even dark and twisty people can appreciate the heart of the matter. Brand experience births brand love. And that’s a lifetime value you should count.” ~dio USA

successful experiential marketingExperiential marketing events give brands the opportunity to create lasting and meaningful relationships with consumers.  These face-to-face interactions open the door to conversations which builds trust and loyalty.  As this article points out, “87% of consumers change their perception of a brand after participating in a brand experience. And 93% of consumers feel more connected to a brand.”  With numbers like that, it’s safe that experiential changes consumers’ behavior and buying habits, even turning them into brand loyalists and brand advocates. That in itself proves that experiential holds tremendous value.  Here, we’ll take a look at the heart of experiential marketing and why it’s so valuable for brands.

How to Pull Off a Big and Bold Publicity Stunt

“As consumers’ schedules become increasingly cluttered and their attention spans continue to shrink, stunts are a viable way for brands to boost awareness and start conversations.” ~Kristy Elisano

Amazon publicity stuntLive marketing events create a lot of buzz for brands.  From pop-up shops to retail demonstrations to product sampling events, there are so many options.  However, there’s one experiential marketing tactic that is sometimes overlooked, but it’s proving to be a worthwhile approach for brands.  Publicity stunts.  PR stunts scream “look at me,” they turn heads, create conversations, and better yet, create brand awareness.   The best part, there are no rules to tie you down (just don’t make mistakes like these).  If you want your PR stunt to be bold and stop people in their tracks, this article by Sparks will tell you how to do just that!

Each week, ATN’s Happy Hour brings you the top articles in the experiential and event marketing industry.  Subscribe to our blog and we’ll deliver the latest industry news to your inbox once a month!

Since 2002, ATN Event Staffing has provided top-tier staff for trade shows, conventions, and experiential marketing events.  See for yourself why marketing agencies and brands come to ATN for all of their experiential marketing staffing needs.