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Happy Hour:  Weekly Round-Up

Bringing you all of the latest news in experiential and event marketing.

Do you have cabin fever yet? Imagine what the world will look like when we can finally venture out to all of the normal places that we’ve always taken for granted.  It will certainly be a reason to celebrate, and in a big way.  With experiential events on pause, there is a lot of chatter about what the future of the industry will look like. In this week’s Happy Hour roundup, we’ll take a look at how experiential marketing and live events will thrive and be bigger and better than ever in a post COVID-19 world.  We’ll also discuss how consumers are adapting to social distancing, what they’re spending their money on, and current brand perceptions.  And last but not least, we celebrate the brands and industries that are making a huge impact in this time of crisis.

Why Experiential Marketing and Live Events Will Thrive Post COVID-19

“The fundamentals behind gathering, touching, exploring, and playing aren’t going anywhere soon—and neither is the live events industry.” ~ Austin Johnston

experiential marketing will thrive post COVID-19

It’s hard to imagine what a post-COVID-19 world will look like, although most likely, you’re already dreaming about it.  And what will experiential marketing look like at that time? Some predict that it will become highly digital, and physical experiences will become a thing of the past. However, the author of this article begs to disagree, stating that analog experiences are going to come back stronger than ever because consumers will crave human interaction and in-person experiences more than ever. Things will most likely rebound slowly for experiential as the industry navigates new territory, and contingency plans for “rainy” days will most likely be the new norm.  Here, BizBash shares one event professional’s viewpoint on why live events will thrive when this crisis subsides.

Amid Crisis, These Brands Are Making a Difference

“Now more than ever is a time to come together and support each other.” ~Dyan Cornacchio, Sparks

brands step up to the plate amid crisis

Photo: Anheuser-Busch

With our daily routines coming to a screeching halt, it’s almost as if the world has stopped spinning. Week one was the “freak out” week so to speak, one that entailed so many new things like working from home, homeschooling, and social distancing.  However, week two was the one when the human race shined as people banded together to help one another.  While neighbors and communities come together to support each other, brands have also stepped up to the plate to provide much-needed supplies and services. From apparel and tech brands to food and beverage, see how these companies are giving back and providing support during this unprecedented time.

Consumer Behavior During Times of Crisis (Infographic)

“In uncertain times, Americans are prioritizing essential goods that enable them to live most comfortably while social distancing.” ~ Rob Patterson, Inspira

Consumer habits during a time of crisis

From cutting spending on out-of-home entertainment to an increased spend on food and household supplies, there has been a paradigm shift in the way consumers are currently spending money.  With social distancing, shelter-in-place mandates and temporary business closings, the reasoning behind the shift is valid.  Simply put, consumers are concerned about the future and the unknown.  Here, Inspira Marketing brings us an infographic that demonstrates current consumer purchasing habits, behavioral changes, and their sentiments towards brands during this pandemic.

Each week, ATN’s Happy Hour brings you the latest news from the experiential and event marketing industry.  Subscribe to our blog to receive even more news delivered to your inbox once a month.

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ATN Event Staffing is a trusted leader in the experiential marketing event staffing industry.  For over 17 years, marketers and brands have relied on ATN’s dedicated team to bring their visions to life.  If you’re looking for an event staffing partner that will work with you every step of the way, ATN is here for you.