By Lisa Major
While virtual conferences and events have been a great alternative during the pandemic, they don’t come close to achieving the same level of engagement as in-person events. Face-to-face events are powerful. They create engaging, memorable, and deep-rooted moments that spark connections with those in attendance. And frankly, it’s hard for any other medium to compete with that. In this week’s Happy Hour, we discuss the unparalleled benefits of face-to-face events and the resiliency of the events industry. We also share some encouraging news from a recent study about live events, and we take a peek at a few Halloween-themed drive-through experiences that are coming soon.
“While events have understandably needed to recently evolve, more than ever we must reflect on the many advantages that come from face-to-face events.” ~Pam Prado, Aventri
Back in January, event professionals were stoked for a year that was shaping up to be one for the record books. But as COVID-19 spread through the world, the year hasn’t gone quite as planned. As a result, many event organizers pivoted to virtual events as an alternative, which in the short-term, was a great solution. But, as weeks turned into months, the virtual world has taken a toll on many, and let’s face it, virtual is not for everyone. As the featured article states, “humans crave socialization and networking with new individuals” and because of that, virtual events will never come close to having the same impact on attendees as in-person events. Here, we explore why face-to-face events are a force to be reckoned with.
“The attitude of “the show must go on” is engrained in the fiber of every professional involved in planning, creating, producing, fabricating, and implementing events.” ~MC²
The events industry has faced plenty of challenges over the years, from natural disasters to economic downturns to acts of terrorism. Enter 2020, and COVID-19 threw us a major curveball, one that made the challenges of the past seem minuscule in comparison. But if there is one thing we have learned from the past, it’s that event professionals across the board are a resilient bunch. They thrive and adapt, they innovate and create, and they will make sure that the industry overcomes this challenge and perseveres. In this article, MC² discusses the resiliency of the industry and the people behind it, and why we will come out on top.
“Majority of attendees surveyed are open to returning to live events.” ~TSNN
If you could attend a live event or trade show, would you? Your answer would probably be based on a number of variables such as where you live, your risk level, and the precautions that the event and/or venue takes to keep attendees safe. According to this article, 88 percent of respondents said that they would be open to attending a trade show right now, amid the pandemic. The study goes on to break down the findings with 65 percent saying that they would attend if some level of risk mitigation was in place, and 23 percent responded that they had little concerns and would attend with no mitigation. These findings are a step in the right direction and with proper safety protocols in place, trade shows could very well be back in 2021.
“Using interactive sets, costumed performers, and forward-thinking technology, drive-through experiences around the country are providing a fun—and safe—way to celebrate the October holiday.” ~Claire Hoffman, BizBash
Photo: Netflix
Halloween and haunted experiences go hand-in-hand. From haunted houses to corn mazes to hayrides, the spook factor is something many Americans look forward to each year. While the chances of attending a haunted house this year are slim to none, people can still get their scare on with haunted drive-through experiences. Just like the drive-in events that we discussed in the last edition of Happy Hour, experiential drive-throughs offer attendees the same thrill of attending an experience in person, but in a low-risk environment. Here, we take a look at some of the Halloween drive-through experiences that are popping up throughout the country.
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