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If your company is thinking of hitting the streets with a street team marketing campaign, you’ve got a lot to think about.  From what your goals are to who you’re targeting to finding the perfect location.  And then, of course, there’s the actual street team to consider.  Your street team staff plays an important role in your ROI and it’s important that you make staffing a top priority.

Street Team Staffing:  5 Ingredients for Success

1. Timing is Everything

Begin your search for the perfect candidates as soon as you have nailed down your core details (objective, goals, dates, hours, and general location).  Starting early will ensure that you:

  • find qualified staff to represent your brand.
  • have ample time to train and prepare them for the activation.
  • can coordinate logistically (schedule, routing, storage, transportation) with your lead brand ambassador or street team manager.

2. Choose the Right People for Your Brand

Your street team serves as a direct reflection of your brand, so when selecting your staff, consider the following:


Street teams differ from other types of experiential marketing activations in that the staff is responsible for actively approaching passerby.  Therefore, it is imperative that one, they have an outgoing and friendly demeanor, and two, they are extremely confident and comfortable with approaching and engaging with complete strangers.


Your staff serves as the face of your brand, so when it comes to their appearance, you’ll want to hire people that align with your brand image.  For example, if you’re Harley Davidson, you’ll probably want staff with an edgier appearance representing you.  On the flip side, if you’re Gap, you’ll want the girl/boy next door look.


It’s not relevant for all brands, but depending on what type of product or service you are promoting, your staff may need to be knowledgeable in your particular space.  For instance, if you are promoting a mobile app and your goal is downloads, your staff will need to be well versed in the various mobile operating systems.

+Physical Capabilities:

Street team work is physically demanding.  Your staff will be required to be on their feet and on the move for the duration of their shift.  Plus, the majority of street teams activate outdoors in all types of weather.  If you are considering a candidate who has no prior street team experience, make sure that they understand the physical challenges of working as part of a street team.

The task of finding qualified individuals can be daunting and you can always turn to an event staffing agency for help.  Event staffing agencies have access to thousands of experienced and skilled individuals in their staff databases, those who are vetted and qualified to work on street teams.  An added benefit of partnering with an agency for your street team staffing needs is that it allows you to focus on the bigger picture.

street team staffing


3. Training is a Must 

You’ve found the perfect staff for your street team, but that’s just the beginning.   For starters, your street team needs to be aware of your goals and intent, as well as your expectations.  They also need to be able to comfortably and confidently speak to consumers about your brand and your offerings.

Prior to the activation, email your staffing agency with training documents so they can share them with the team.  Many event staffing agencies will also host training sessions over the phone or via video conferencing.  It’s up to you to decide if you want to do that or you can opt to host a brief in-person training session.

+Street Team Training Tips:

Street team marketing is very fast-paced and your staff has a very brief window of time to interact with consumers.  With that said, you should aim to keep your talking points short and sweet to ensure your message is heard.  Also, prepare the team with a list of frequently asked questions and answers in the event a consumer has a question.

4. Prepare Your Staff for the Unknown

There are many variables that can affect street team activations.  Preparing your staff to face those obstacles ahead of time can help alleviate a lot of stress during the activation.  When communicating with your staff, be sure to cover some of the common “what-if” scenarios:

  • What if it’s pouring down rain and/or storms?
  • What if we are asked to leave a particular area on our schedule before our time is up?
  • What if we get a ticket for not having a permit?
  • What if we run out of samples?
  • What if the area we are in is completely dead?

5. Assign a Leader

You will need to keep your street team staff organized and on-task, but most likely you won’t be walking the streets with them.  This is where a street team manager or lead brand ambassador can come in handy.  This person can help keep the street team on schedule, keep them motivated, as well as make decisions if any of the “what-if” scenarios arise.  Assign a team member that has experience managing brand ambassadors and even better, one that has led a street team before.  Depending on your needs, you can also lean on this person to help you determine high foot-traffic areas to target.  This is especially helpful if you are not local to the area where you are executing your activation.

The Bottom Line

These five street team staffing tips will result in building an incredible and successful activation. One that produces positive results and gives you the maximum return on your investment.

When it comes to street team staffing, event staffing agencies have the knowledge and expertise to not only provide staff but also to provide guidance.  With over 350,000 vetted staff in our talent pool, ATN can provide you with street team staff coast-to-coast.  Any city, any time, we’ve got you covered.